About HGR


HGR Haulage is a leading National Logistics Solutions provider with over twenty (20) years experience. Our service solutions specialise in:

  • Contract Transport
  • On Demand Transport
  • National, Interstate and Regional Transport
  • 3PL Warehousing
  • Showfreight and Exhibition Movements
  • Cruise Ship & Wharf Transport services

As one of Australia’s leading, privately owned, transport companies, you can count on HGR Haulage to deliver your goods on time, the first time.

With a diverse and specialised fleet ranging from 1 tonne vans through to prime movers, our fleet also encompasses Tautliners, Flat Top trailers, tray trucks, drop decks, extendables, pantechs, Mezzanine tautliners and tail lifts; HGR can cater for all of your project specific transport requirements.

At HGR we pride ourselves on our unique ability to customise transport packages to suit our individual customer’s needs, which is why many businesses choose us as their preferred mainstay long term transport, storage and logistics supplier. Contact us today for your freight management needs.

Commercial transport vehicles

Safe, efficient and reliable goods transport.