Specialty Freight


Specialty Freight

As a fully versed transport operator, HGR handle everything from oversize heavy haulage projects to ad-hoc taxi truck services.

As one of Australia’s leading, privately owned, transport companies, you can count on HGR Haulage to deliver your goods on time, the first time.

  • Oversize Machinery
  • Wide Loads
  • Labour Intensive Load/Unloading
  • Event Logistics
  • Large Fragile Goods

HGR's specialty freight services cater to all types of freight movements for loads that do not conform to standardised movements on pallets or in cartons. From event logistics, oversize machinery and special handling of large fragile goods, HGR's experienced specialty freight carriers make awkward moves look easy.

We also offer general linehaul, container and wharf cartage as well as temperature controlled cold chain logistics services.

Safe, efficient and reliable goods transport.