Cruise, Sea & Air Freight


Cruise, Sea & Air Freight

HGR are specialists for Cruise Ship, Wharf and Air Freight transport.

As one of Australia’s leading, privately owned, transport companies, you can count on HGR Haulage to deliver your goods on time, the first time.

  • Time-Sensitive Freight
  • Cruise ship supplies
  • Containers & Wharf Cartage
  • Air Freight

 HGR's on-time supply deliveries are crucial to the success of the cruise industry because the provisions are an essential part of the customer experience. Whether it's food and beverage products, hospitality supplies such as towels, or technical and marine products used to keep the ship working, they all contribute to a satisfactory passenger experience.

We also offer container and wharf cartage as well as air freight logistics services.

Safe, efficient and reliable goods transport.